
📒 worklog

Minimalist log standard

The standard

[priority] [finish date]/[time spent]: [name] [unique-id]; [title]; [description]; [tags]


In our case, we use this:

**- 25.01.2024/1: Sang Dang <>; Prepare the Syva starter; Use the taijutsu template, add magic link login; starter,next.js,taijutsu,syva

Which can be translate like this:

Sang Dang uses the taijutsu template, prepare the starter code for Syva project, it also has the magic link login. This task supposes to be done at 25.1.2024, will take 01 hour to do. We put this task into starter, nextjs, taijutsu and syva categories. The task priority is medium.


🧠 Memory Retention

Our brains are prone to forgetting details of daily routines. Maintaining a work log helps in preserving a detailed account of tasks, ensuring nothing significant is overlooked.

📈 Comprehensive Achievement Tracking

It allows for a comprehensive record of achievements and milestones. This not only helps in recognizing individual accomplishments but also aids in identifying patterns of success over time.

🚀 Efficient Planning for Performance Reviews

When it comes to annual performance reviews, having a historical log provides tangible evidence of accomplishments. This, in turn, enables better self-assessment, clearer communication during reviews, and more informed goal-setting for the future.

How to use

You can either use this template by:

pnpm dlx tiged websitesieutoc/worklog

Start editing the WORKLOG file.

That’s it!

[!TIP] tiged is a community driven fork of degit, it makes copies of git repositories without history.


Priority segment

Indicator Meaning
*-- Low priority
**- Medium priority
*** High priority

[!TIP] You are free to adjust it to fit your needs, for example you can make it become 5 levels, like ***-- if you want.

Finish date

For now we stick with simple DD.MM.YYYY format.

Time spent

We round up to the closest integer. Some special numbers might be used.

Indicator Meaning
1 1 hour
2 2 hours
0 Not work
999 Do not know


We use Firstname Lastname format. For example Sang Dang.

Unique ID

The ID is for the worker identification. It could be UUID/CUID, or user email. Incremental integer also works. This is NOT the ID of the record.

[!IMPORTANT] Do not mix! Use either email, or ID.


It’s a string, should be shorter than 60 characters. Accepts almost every characters, except: : and ;.

[!TIP] It’s best to use Title for project’s name, or something can remind the main features you have developed.


It’s also a string, which can be longer. But should write it short and simple. Accepts almost every characters, except: : and ;.

[!TIP] Use Description to keep a quick snapshot of how your works impact. For example “Improve 20% number of MAU” or “Reduce 50% of actions when using our app”.


Used for sorting, filtering and categorize in the future. They have some simple rules:

Empty values

We simply leave it empty, for example the log below does not have description and tags:

**- 31.01.2024/1: Sang Dang <>; Upgrade Nodejs;;


Feel free to open an issue to ask us anything. PR is welcome but we should discuss first to avoid wasting time.